Soccer Scoreboards
Electro-Mech offers many styles of Soccer scoreboards from basic and small, portable models to large, full-featured models capable of scoring multiple sports. [Continue reading...] |

Full-Featured Soccer and Multi-Sport Scoreboards
Our largest displays featuring traditional Soccer stats and support for additional sports
22 ft x 8 ft
This impressive series of Soccer scoreboards keeps up with Shots on Goal and Corner Kicks.
26 ft x 8 ft
For the biggest Soccer fields, this series of scoreboards includes Saves among its long list of features.
26 ft x 8 ft
You have arrived at the ultimate Soccer scoreboard series. Add Electronic Team Names as a crowning touch!
16 ft x 5 ft
For serious Soccer and Lacrosse facilities, this scoreboard series has proven to be one of our most popular.
Basic Soccer and Multi-Sport Scoreboards
A variety of displays featuring basic Soccer stats and support for additional sports
Model LX6360 16 ft x 5 ft
The information is basic, but the big 24-inch digits get the important points across.
Model LX6370 18 ft x 9 ft
With a 30-inch tall Period Clock, you never have to ask the musical question, "Does anybody really know what time it is?"
Model LX6630 10 ft x 3 ft
Like its bigger brothers, this little scoreboard can serve a variety of sports.
10 ft x 5 ft
This compact Multi-Sport model covers the basic features of most outdoor sports.
Model LX1390 14 ft x 5 ft
When Baseball season is over, this Multi-Sport scoreboard keeps working.
Portable Soccer and Multi-Sport Scoreboards
Displays compact enough to be mounted on wheels, featuring basic Soccer stats and support for additional sports
Model LX6320 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
Score from your tailgate or add our T-Cart Leg Kit.
Model LX6324 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
With a quick caption change, this portable scoreboard can handle Football, Baseball, Soccer, and more.
Model LX1320 5 ft x 4 ft
You need a portable scoreboard that can handle Baseball and Basketball? Here it is.
Practice Segment Timers for Football or Soccer
To bring your Soccer game to the next level, start with a better practice! These displays will help you keep it all on schedule.
Model LX7520 4 ft x 3 ft
Take control of practice, and roll this display away for secure storage when you are done.
Model LX7620 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
A comprehensive practice time scoreboard that includes a Play Clock feature -- all in a portable package.
Model LX7640 7 ft x 5 ft
Designed for permanent installation on your practice field.
Indoor Soccer Locker Room Clocks
Bring the Time information from your Soccer scoreboard into the locker room with these handy displays.
Model LX7406 23 in x 10 in
Whether you are counting down time between halves or leading up to the start of the game, this small display will duplicate the time shown on the main scoreboard.
Electro-Mech offers many styles of Soccer scoreboards from basic and small, portable models to large, full-featured models capable of scoring multiple sports. The most rugged framing and the longest lasting LED displays are built into these displays to keep your score regardless of the weather. Our wireless options make it unnecessary to dig up your field to install control cabling. Electro-Mech's product line includes Soccer scoreboards with specific features added for American Football, Lacrosse, and Field Hockey, if those sports are also played on your field. There is simply no more versatile or reliable scoreboard available for field sports.
Display Options
Soccer scoreboard configurations abound. For instance, you may only need to cover the basic information: Time remaining, Period number, and Team Points. In this case, the Model LX6630 could be your best shot, measuring only 10 feet by 3 feet and weighing in at 133 pounds for easy mounting. As your needs grow, our product selection expands to cover at least five distinct layouts of Soccer stats — with variations within each layout. Our top-of-the-line model, the Modle LX6946 Multi-Sport scoreboard, is 26 feet wide by 8 feet tall and includes a robust selection of information that includes Time remaining to Tenths of a Second, Period number, Points, Shots on Goal, Saves, and Corner Kicks for each team. With its five-digit Timer, this scoreboard also comes in handy at track meets, while its reversible captions and multi-function console allow it to double as your Football scoreboard too!
More Options to Consider
The paint colors are customizable to match your program. Electro-Mech offers 16 vibrant standard colors, and we can create other colors for an additional fee. For added zing, you may want to add a contour stripe around the perimeter of the cabinet face — white and gold are particularly effective. Also with Electro-Mech outdoor scoreboards, you have two super-bright LED display colors to choose from: Red or Amber. Either LED choice is visible from a range of angles and in virtually every lighting condition.
A Soccer scoreboard is more than just a Timer to keep your game on schedule; it is an important piece of the landscape around your field — an architectural feature of your stadium. The scoreboard becomes part of the identity of your facility and your team. That's why Electro-Mech treats each project individually. Good scoreboard design brings out the personality of the facility where it is installed. It adds value by adding character. One way to express that character is through the addition of ID panels. These panels can display your team name or field name, images of your mascot and, of course, advertisements. Ads supply an important source of revenue for most athletic programs, and the spaces around your Soccer scoreboard become the prime real estate — attracting fans' attention and thus demand the highest advertising fees.
You have several choices for the shape of the ID panels. In addition to the standard rectangular versions, Electro-Mech can add rounded tops to form a dome or full-length arch. For a dramatic touch, add an open framed truss panel — also with options for a straight or curved top. If your goal is to score the best scoreboard for your Soccer club, then you can't miss with Electro-Mech on your team.
About Electro-Mech
Electro-Mech is not the biggest scoreboard company. Because most of our competitors are either privately held or part of larger corporations with interests in a variety of other industries, it is difficult to find hard numbers about who sells the most scoreboards. Our best guess is that there are about a dozen scoreboard manufacturers holding a significant market share in the United States, and Electro-Mech is somewhere in the middle of the pack. You may be wondering what any of this has to do with Soccer scoreboards. In a word: kinship. While interest in Soccer has increased dramatically in the US over the past few decades, it is still considered a little less glamorous than the Big Three American Sports: Baseball, Basketball, and Football. Similarly, Electro-Mech may be less glamorous than our competitors who hold contracts to supply professional teams and offer products lines which extend into markets having little to do with athletics. But we think there is a place for a scoreboard company that is focused exclusively on supplying scoreboards. When you are ready to purchase a Soccer scoreboard, we hope you will give consideration to Electro-Mech — with the knowledge that we will give your facility the respect it deserves.