Model LX6744 Soccer/Football Scoreboard
Model LX6744 will stand out on any Soccer field. The big 26-ft.-wide cabinet includes stats that go beyond the basics of Points and Time: Shots On Goal, Corner Kicks, and Saves. These same digits can do double duty as Down, To Go, and Ball On when you are ready to play Football on the same field. The 24-inch tall Period Clock comes in a 5-digit version on LX6746 and a 4-digit version shown here on LX6744.

Upgrade to Electronic Team Names (ETNs)
- Dimensions: 26 ft x 8 ft 11 ft × 3 ft 11 ft × 3 ft
- Weight: 600 lb 480 lbs 480 lbs
- Digit Height: 24 in, 18 in
- Electrical: 120 VAC, 3.7 amps 120 VAC, 10.6 amps 120 VAC, 4.8 amps 120 VAC, 7.6 amps
Choose Colors:
- Scoreboard Face
- Accent Striping
- LED Color
Model LX6744 Installation Examples:
Blanchard Woods Park
Evans, GA, 30809