Timers and Counters
A scoreboard can be thought of as a collection of Timers, Counters, and Indicators. Usually the collection fits in one big metal box. [Continue reading...] |

Practice Segment Timers for Football and More
If practice makes perfect, these displays will help perfection to arrive right on schedule.
Model LX7520 4 ft x 3 ft
For any outdoor sport, this Practice Segment Timer keeps you ahead of the game.
Model LX7620 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
This portable timer includes a Play Clock to help make every second of your practice count.
Model LX7640 7 ft x 5 ft
If you have a permanent practice field, this is the timer you need.
Pitch Count Displays for Baseball or Softball
Pitch Count information is a built-in feature on many Electro-Mech Baseball and Softball scoreboards such as LX1130 and LX1160. If you've already purchased a scoreboard and wish to add Pitch Count, the Model LX1118 is the basic starting point for a variety of displays we can build to match your needs.
Model LX1118 3-1/2 ft x 3-1/2 ft
If you have a baseball scoreboard without our Pitch Count feature, we have options for upgrading.
Model LX1130 8 ft x 6 ft
More than just a counter, LX1130 is a compact baseball/softball scoreboard with Pitch Counts built in.
Model LX1160 10 ft x 7 ft
Model LX1160 is our most popular scoreboard that includes the Pitch Count feature.
Add-on Timers for Baseball or Softball
If you have an existing Electro-Mech Baseball scoreboard or Softball scoreboard, our add-on Timer displays can often take advantage of your existing cabling or wireless data system.
Model LX1062 3 ft x 3-1/2 ft
Add a two-digit Timer to almost any existing Baseball or Softball scoreboard.
Model LX1064 7 ft x 3 ft
We have options for adding Timers to existing Baseball and Softball scoreboards.
Locker Room Clocks
Many facilities show a countdown on the main scoreboard before the game starts or during halftime. Our Locker Room Clock displays can repeat the Time information at almost any location within your venue.
Model LX7406 23 in x 10 in
Whether you are counting down time between halves or leading up to the start of the game, this small display will duplicate the time shown on the main scoreboard.
Play Clocks (Delay of Game Timers)
These displays come in pairs. LX3050 and LX3070 are designed to be permanently mounted, while the other three models can go mobile when purchased along with our T-Cart Leg Kits.
Model LX3050 3-1/2 ft x 3-1/2 ft (each)
Delay of Game Timer, Snap Clock, 25-Second Timer.... It goes by many names. This one sets the standard for permanently installed displays.
Model LX3070 4 ft x 4 ft (each)
This is the big one -- for professional facilities and stadiums that give the pros a run for their money.
Model LX3018 3 ft x 3 ft (each)
This pair of scaled down Play Clocks offers portability without compromise.
Model LX3024 3-1/2 ft x 3-1/2 ft (each)
Our standard Play Clocks in a portable package
Model LX3030 4 ft x 4 ft (each)
Pro-sized, but still portable, Model LX3030 Play Clocks make a statement on any field.
Shot Timers for Basketball
Shot Timers for Basketball
Model LX2160 24 in x 27 in (each)
A set of two Basketball Shot Timers for indoor use
Model LX2180 29 in x 27 in (each)
This pair of indoor Shot Clock displays includes a built in Period Clock.
A scoreboard can be thought of as a collection of Timers, Counters, and Indicators. Usually the collection fits in one big metal box. But sometimes you want to separate out one of the Timers or Counters into its own box. Most of the items on this page fall into that category of things which, for one reason or another, didn't quite fit in the bigger scoreboard box.
These Timers and Counters are like mini scoreboards and share lots of the same features and options. With a few exceptions (Shot Timers and Locker Room Clocks), the cabinets have faces that can be painted any of our 16 standard colors (or a custom color -- for an upcharge). For outdoor displays, you can choose either Red or Amber LEDs.
There are some differences to keep in mind too. While these displays can be purchased with their own control consoles (along with data cable or the ScoreLink wireless communication system) for independent operation, most were designed to be integrated into an existing scoring system. If you are, for example, adding a Pitch Count display to an Electro-Mech Baseball scoreboard, you can often use the same control console and communication system to operate the old and new displays together.
The add-on Timers and Counters for Baseball and Softball are shown more as an example or starting point for a customized design. These models almost never ship as they are illustrated here. Instead, they are typically incorporated into larger panels with additional graphics to be mounted above or below existing scoreboard cabinets.
Talk to your Electro-Mech scoreboard sales rep to find the best options for your facility. Whether you need a stand-alone display, want to add features from these displays to a new scoreboard, or want to bring new life to an old scoreboard with an add-on unit, we can find a solution for you.