The History of Women’s Soccer

The History Of Women's Soccer

Soccer scoreboards news: women’s soccer has always been overshadowed by men’s soccer, even though its popularity has grown steadily towards the end of the 20th century. However, women’s teams are determined to keep the trend going, and with the way things are currently moving it is not ruled out that someday soccer will come on par with sports like tennis, volleyball, and handball in terms of female popularity.

Before we can analyze what will happen in the future of women’s soccer, let’s look at its past, since the history of women’s soccer is quite extensive. The first written document on the topic of soccer was discovered in a Chinese war manual that dates back to 300 BC. This document familiarized men with this ancient version of soccer, which consisted of kicking a ball into a hole in a piece of cloth, which was tied between two poles. The ball was made of stuffed leather or pig bladders.
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