Women’s baseball – How women are shedding the image that baseball is only for men

Women’s Baseball – How Women Are Shedding The Image That Baseball Is Only For Men

It is getting closer to the World Series, and once again the U.S. turns to its attention to the baseball scoreboards. To men’s baseball, of course. Women here don’t play baseball. Women play softball. But as Baseball Scoreboards news has found out, a University of Nevada political science professor is determined to expose the plight of female baseball players to the world. Her name is Jennifer Ring and after winning a research grant she wrote a book called “Stolen Bases: Why American Girls Do Not Play Baseball”. She is also now writing a follow-up book to this one.
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History of baseball in the UK

History Of Baseball In The Uk

In a baseball scoreboards feature, we look at the history of baseball in the UK.

Baseball, like many popular sports of today, originated in England. The first mention of it was in 1755, when it was called “base ball.” it was a long time after that though before it became a codified sport. The traditional game of British baseball is played to this day in Wales and North-west England, but only on an amateur level and without any significant spectator participation. A small legion of viewers of Major League Baseball in America watch the British version of the sport through telecasts.
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Baseball attendances – is the decline irreversable?

Baseball Attendances – Is The Decline Irreversable?

In baseball scoreboards news, we will look at the slow but gradual decline of baseball in the US. What is going on and why?

The San Diego Padres played the first of four games against the Chicago Cubs recently. The Cubs are undoubtedly a popular franchise nationwide, so much so that sometimes they bring more fans to an apposing stadium than the home team. However, according to the baseball scoreboards, the Petco Park stadium on a perfect baseballing evening drew just 22,800 supporters, which is less than 55% of the stadium’s capacity.
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The fantastic success story of baseball In Japan

The Fantastic Success Story Of Baseball In Japan

In baseball scoreboards news, we will look at the development of baseball in Japan.

The most popular team sport in Japan is not soccer, like many people think, but baseball. There are national leagues at school, university and professional level. These games are covered feverously in the media during the spring and summer. Japan is one of the very few countries other than the US where baseball is played professionally and where it has a large following.
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The early history of baseball in the US

The Early History Of Baseball In The Us

In a baseball scoreboards feature, we will look at the history of baseball in the US.

Most baseball historians accept that the game baseball comes from the English game called rounders. When and how the rules first morphed no one is quite sure. Sources suggest that in the early 1900’s a game called townball or baseball grew in popularity.
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The 3 worst MLB teams ever.

The 3 Worst Mlb Teams Ever.

The story of the worst baseball teams ever starts in the 1800’s, with the Cleveland Spiders, and ends just 7 years ago with the Detroit Spiders. In between them somewhere there was another shocking team – the New York Mets. All of these teams displayed a distinguished ability to flop. Their performances were not only bad, they were quite simply woeful. The only small cloud in the silver lining for these teams is that we get to commemorate them all this time later, and for the Detroit Spiders, specifically, that they, due to an interesting turn of events, actually received a standing ovation when they left the field on their last game, despite having the worse record of any team for two generations.
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The womens baseball world cup, the most dangerous city in the world, and a stray bullet.

The Womens Baseball World Cup

In baseball scoreboards news: Caracas, Venezuela is generally considered the most dangerous city in the world, where an average of over 25 people are day are murdered. Perhaps then it is not so surprising that the women’s baseball world championship has been moved to fully militarized stadiums outside of the city the day after a player was shot in the stadium during a game.
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Alex Rodriguez reaching 600 home runs was a bore fest for fans

Alex Rodriguez Reaching 600 Home Runs Was A Bore Fest For FansThe baseball scoreboards showed that the big 600 mark was reached last week, but very few people noticed it. The great Alex Rodriguez ended his recent drought by hitting over the barrier for his 600 home run. Seven men have reached that number, but no one took as long to get from the 599 to the sacred 600 mark. There was a time when this would have been massive news, brightening up the back and front pages of the newspapers. Journalists would have given a detailed account of the amazing career of the batsman, and supply readers with more stats than they could manage. This, however, has certainly not been the case with Alex Rodriguez.
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Baseball interpreters are much more important for Asians than for Latin Americans

Baseball Interpreters Are Much More Important For Asians Than For Latin Americans

In baseball scoreboards news, this week Ozzie Guillen, the manger of Chicago, claimed that Asian players were getting preferential treatment over Latin American players. The basis for his dissatisfaction was that Asian players have been getting interpreters supplied and paid for by the teams, whilst Latin American players have had to do without. In the meantime, the majority of Spanish-speaking players who are not fluent in English have had to rely on teammates and coaches.
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