Yahoo to show all Premier League highlights this season.

Yahoo To Show All Premier League Highlights This SeasonThe in England lit up recently, as the first games of the season were played. Yahoo UK has a new function that will enable fans of the Barclays Premier League around the globe to watch online highlights of the latest action on the Yahoo site. Yahoo has won the rights for seasons 2010-13, and will show short highlights of every game that is played this season. Each game will have a clip that will last around 5 minutes.

Yahoo UK now has a very large inventory of high-quality videos, and it attracts advertising from well know businesses such as Heineken, Adidas, and Sony Pictures. Yahoo has launched a multi-million pound marketing campaign to go with its new Premier League highlights feature. The slogan for this season will be: ‘Miss a game? We didn’t’. Yahoo UK had a successful World Cup with David Beckham, and now the site has the ambition to become the online home for soccer fans, as a user or an advertiser.

Yahoo UK’s Barclays Premier League coverage will suit the casual or serious fan, who will be able to see the very best of the weekend’s action. This is the perfect way for fans to catch up on games they have missed, and it means that they can share the highlights with friends. For advertisers, the potential is massive – a large volume of quality and popular videos which can reach a monthly fan-base of over 25 million. Yahoo offers numerous targeting tools and creative support, making it the best solution for advertisers.

Yahoo’s highlight videos will go online at midnight on the Monday morning after the weekend’s games. Weekday games will appear at the same time the next day. Yahoo users in the UK will also be able to view a wide variety of ‘best-of’ packages. Every week there will be a video showing the ‘Best Goals’, ‘Best Saves’ etc of the week. In addition to this there will be match previews of every game. These videos can then easily be shares social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Richard Scidamore, the Chief Executive of the English Premier League commented on the deal that the league has made with Yahoo. He said that fans are finding more ways to access the action, and the internet is the fastest growing source of premier league highlights. The online highlights package that Yahoo is now offering is a fantastic medium for fans to keep up with the latest action.

Currently, it can be quite difficult to watch premier league football. The television rights are extremely expensive, so many fans outside of the UK do not have the channels that give access to the games. Many fans rely on the Internet to one way or another see the action, and this deal with Yahoo is great news for supporters. Lets hope that the soccer scoreboards show that the season brings some great games and great goals!

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