Wireless Portable Scoreboards: Catch the Best Moment of the Game

Wireless Portable Scoreboards Catch The Best Moment Of The Game_1

In the world we live in, smaller often means better. Better size for carrying, less clutter when sitting around, and often lighter. Cell phones are a great example of this, where the first cell phones looked like a brick with a stick hanging out of it, and eventually shrank as technology improved in microcircuits and popularity of smaller devices became key. The progression went to the smaller Nokia types to the thin RAZR’s to the smart phones like the Blackberry, Palm and iPhone. Smaller is convenience. Smartphones can catch TV signals to watch on the go, and when convenience doesn’t matter, thats what 60″ screens are for at home.

The same is true for sports. Size matters in several ways for electronic scoreboards. Professional sports don’t often use wireless in a stadium because its the same concept as the large TV at home; there is no need for the convenience when the display is all that matters. Small and unimpressive scoreboards in a stadium built to seat over 100,000 people would neither be effective nor fitting for a professional venue hosting a football or baseball game.

But not all fans can get into the games or can watch all the games they want, especially if they are tailgating. then are the answer. The benefit to portable scoreboards is simple; being able to track any sporting event from wherever, whenever. On Sunday afternoons in the fall, there are tons of sporting events going on, and toward the end of the season, many of the teams people wouldn’t normally follow gain attention from unlikely people because of the possible implications the outcome of another game could have on a fan’s favorite team.

Handheld wireless portable scoreboards are just another innovation in electronic scoreboard technology which progressed from large electronic screens to portable boards that can be used virtually anywhere with a power source, to the handheld variety that now make anyone able to follow the big game’s score when they may not have otherwise been able to witness the action. Convenience is key in these devices in power source as well, often using a number of batteries instead of needing a constant power source. They are also updated wirelessly by satellite, allowing you to receive information about the games you choose from anywhere, which is a tremendous improvement over having to find a radio or TV to check the score. All you need is to be outdoors or need a window.

Another point of contention is price. A handheld wireless portable scoreboard for a fan costs nowhere near what a TV does for checking score, and definitely much less than the portable scoreboard’s big brothers. Many of the devices are priced around $100, making them affordable for much of the sport going population, and gives them the freedom of movement and the ability to take the data with them.

Technology improves quality of life, and this is just one such case where technology makes a step in the right direction for those who need it.

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