Scoreboards manufacturer explores the connections between athletics, advertising, education, and fundraising

Where should a school draw the line between fund raising and commercial enterprise? What place do corporate sponsors have on public and private campuses? And what role should our government take in setting limits in these areas? These and similar questions are the subject on an ongoing series of surveys being conducted at Scoreboards Company.
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Top 5 MLB Stars Who Lost Everything

Bill BucknerMajor League Baseball is all about strategy: knowing when to run, when to hit big, and being able to read the signals. But outside of the baseball stadium the strategy of these players left something to be desired. Even though they made gads of money in their time playing ball, all of these famous players went bankrupt after their career was over or while they still were playing ball.
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Flag Football Positions

Flag Football Positions

  • The flag football positions used by a team depend on the number of players and on the team’s flag football strategy
  • The offensive team must have a center and a quarterback
  • Flag football tips for defensive positions begin with the offensive formation used by the opponent
  • Flag football drills can help players learn their positions

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Biography of Lisa Leslie

Before the Lisa Leslie WNBA years began, Leslie had remarkable high school and college careers in Los Angeles. Once she became pro, she was the first person to dunk in the WNBA. The Lisa Leslie dunk crystalized her place as the face of the new league and one of its most successful players. Her WNBA years will end after the 2009 season, Leslie recently announced.
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North American Football League: The Future of Amateur Football?

North American Football League

  • The North American Football League (NAFL) is an amateur football league that was founded in 1999 by Robert Licopoli
  • The league is intended to create some unity among the previously fragmented world of amateur football in the United States
  • About 100 teams are members of the NAFL, which operates through a franchise model

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Flag Football Strategy: Play It Smart

Flag Football Strategy

  • Good sources for flag football tactics on the Internet include Dr. G’s flag football blog at, (2), and (3)
  • Dr. G points out that documenting plays can help get all of the players on the same page
  • Fumbles are a low risk proposition, while interceptions are high risk

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Basketball Players on Popular Twitter

Popular TwitterRather than just dishing assists or dunks, NBA players are dishing basketball rumors these days thanks to the new technology of the Twitter website. The players and other NBA insiders that use the service to pump out texting size blurbs known as tweets have many Twitter friends, fans and others who follow their daily exploits. It has become so popular with some players that they have had to crack down on players’ use of it.
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Basketball Proper Shooting Form

Basketball Proper Shooting FormThe shooting form for successful players is uniform for basketball at all levels. Regardless of the basketball uniform design you are wearing or the level of the competition, the basics of the shooting touch are always the same. Once a player has mastered scoring from jump shots, he is an invaluable part of any basketball team, commanding more defense from the opponents and putting points on the scoreboard for his team.
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