If you are a hockey coach or team administrator looking for LED scoreboards for your team then you may be wondering a few different questions.
One of those questions will ultimately come down to what kind of installation you want with your scoreboard, which despite that its something that comes later, its something you should consider and keep in mind early. Before you begin to look into all the different electronic hockey scoreboards you should decide whether or not you want a wireless unit or a ground unit. To make things easy I am going to answer that question for you and tell you why. In my personal opinion and experience with scoreboards I recommend getting wireless hockey scoreboards all the way. Wireless hockey scoreboards are more practical as well as useful to any sports team or organization for a number of reasons. Wireless hockey scoreboards eliminate most potential installation problems since cables won’t have to be run from the unit to the control console. They also are more cost efficient in the long run and allows a team to be able to better take care of the scoreboard during storage.
One aspect in buying electronic hockey scoreboards that should be considered is the installation. This is where the wireless unit is key and comes in most useful. A normal scoreboard that is installed must have cables running from the scoreboard itself to the control console. Depending on where the control booth or console will be located, the installation can potentially be very expensive because of all the intricacies involved. In many instances a trench is usually dug so that the cables could be buried. However it can be difficult to dig a trench around a hockey rink and not to mention very costly. Electronic hockey scoreboards may also often require very long cables, which will only cost more. Since a trench can’t be dug in most hockey rinks they will have to be placed carefully and covered up somehow. Hiding the cables can be complicated since the areas to place them around a rink are limited. The cables can’t be placed where it is too obviously visible and also has to be away from people who may potentially damage it. That is why wireless hockey scoreboards are the best bet. Not only can they save you money in the long run but you can avoid all the complications of installation. Storage is also easier with wireless hockey scoreboards. Since the unit and the control console are separate, storing is less complicated. LED hockey scoreboards are important to the game and should be well taken care of. Having a ground unit increases the chance of damage to the unit overall because of the cables. If anything happens to the cables at all then the whole unit must to be taken in to be fixed which can be very costly. A wireless unit however can be fixed by its individual components if the console or unit breaks down. LED hockey scoreboards are too important to the game to not go with the most sophisticated of equipment. LED hockey scoreboards are they way to go.