The world of high school sports goes hand in hand with school spirit and morale. A person can go to the home game of any high school football team and will almost always find stands overflowing with spirited young men and women rooting for the team they have grown to love. The only other thing that the students are paying attention to other than the game is the enormous football field scoreboard. High school football field scoreboards play a huge role in home games and it is important that when shopping for an electronic football scoreboard you take a lot of time in making a wise decision. No coach wants to be blamed for using the already tight budget on an old football game scoreboard. Not investing into the right scoreboard not only lowers the morale of your school and team, but can cost more money in the long run. If you are a coach, principle, or sports administrator, there are a few things you should know before purchasing any electronic football scoreboard.
If you have a tight budget to work with, this doesn’t mean that you are out of hope and have to go with the cheapest deal you find. High school football scoreboards can be found in a wide range of styles and prices that can match any team’s budget. A quality scoreboard should consist of a few key things. When scoreboards first came about, most of them were made with sturdy wood frames and a person had to manually change the numbers on the board. These days with the introduction of the use of LEDs, high school football scoreboards have never been the same. The LEDs in an electronic football scoreboard are one of the most important features a scoreboard has.
LEDs have made it easier for fans all throughout a stadium to see the numbers on the scoreboard. When searching for a football game scoreboard, ask for the average hours of life on the LEDs. Ten-thousand hours of life is appropriate and can be found in most electronic scoreboards of a decent quality. Construction of the frame is the next thing a shopper should consider. Purchasing high school football scoreboards can be tricky if you don’t know what you are looking for or how you want the scoreboard to look and fit in your stadium or field. A 100 percent aluminum frame is the best way to go considering that the frame will last long and be able to put up with the wear and tear of nature’s forces. Be sure that the football game scoreboard is built to endure all off natures forces. Heavy rains and wind will certainly take a toll on them after too long. Electro-Mech actually puts an extra coat of enamel-based paint on the frame.
If you are not careful, purchasing a football field scoreboard can be unnecessarily costly. A buyer should already know where they want the scoreboard to go to make finding and fitting one easier. Getting an electronic football scoreboard that is wireless can be more cost effective in the long run. If you decide to get a scoreboard operated by switch, it will cost extra for the installation since a trench has to be dug to bury the cable leading from the scoreboard to the switch. High school football scoreboards and prices vary from size to size and installation packages. Without any extras, high school football scoreboards could easily cost up to $10,000. Scoreboards in the 14 to 20-foot range can average anywhere from $5,000 to $10,000. Here at Electro-Mech, we ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck when it comes to quality football scoreboard.
Do you have sample prices for what high schools are charging for scoreboard advertising? Say for a 8′ x 5′ panel, what would the annual cost be…ballpark figures. We’re trying to determine if getting a new scoreboard with advertising panels is a good moneymaker for us.