The 5 best 7 gamers ever in the NBA

The 5 Best 7 Gamers Ever In The Nba

The best games in NBA history combine drama (no one sided games), with the result being not clear until right to the very end. Many of them had great individual performances as well. Here are the games that I consider to be the 5 best 7 gamers ever.

1. St. Louis vs Boston, NBA Finals, April 12th, 1957
It took no less than two overtimes for the Celtics to beat the Hawks with the basketball scoreboards showing 125-123. The then rookie of the year – Tommy Heinsohn, scored 37 points in Game 7. Heinsohn was extremely important, as Sharman and Cousy could only shoot for 5-for-40. Russell did well, scoring 19 points, and making 33 rebounds and 5 blocks.
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Kyle Singler – Can he find his previous form and be chosen as a first round pick?

Kyle Singler - Can He Find His Previous Form And Be Chosen As A First Round Pick?

Kyle Singler entered the NCAA as one of the best players in a very talented recruiting class. His name appeared on the basketball scoreboards for his school countless times, and he was noted by the scouts at an early age. He is a 6 foot 8, well-sized combo-forward with some fantastic skills, and just a few months ago he was considered as one of the best NBA prospects out there.
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Will Shaq be back next season?

Will Shaq Be Back Next Season?

A regular on the basketball scoreboards for nearly two decades, Shaquille O’Neal has won the NBA champion no less than four times. He recently said that he will be playing next season, and would prefer to hang up his boots for good than play internationally. When the time comes for the great Shaq to retire, he said that he will do so in style, and have a huge party to celebrate.
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Larry Bird – The Boston Celtic`s greatest ever player.

Larry Bird - The Boston Celtic`s Greatest Ever Player.

Larry Joe Bird was born on December 7th, 1956. As a young child he showed signs of greatness and by the time he was in high school he was breaking all kinds of records. His performances at Spring V. High School got him a scholarship at the University of Indiana. In his senior year, Bird inspired as he led his team to an NCAA Championship, with the basketball scoreboards showing 89-77 in the final against the Michigan State Spartans.
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6 NBA players who are not going to do a `Le-Bron`

6 Nba Players Who Are Not Going To Do A `le-bron`

With the LeBron transfer saga still fresh in our minds, sometimes it seems like there are no players left anymore who elect to call one team their home, and who stay there for the best part of their career. There are however a number of young stars (27 and under) who will probably have the chance to pick up and move away in the future, but who I think will ultimately call one team their home. Here are 6 players who have lit up the basketball scoreboards for their home team, and who are likely to keep doing so for a long time.
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LeBron James Joins Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh in Miami Heat

The Transfer Of The Decade - LeBron James Moves To Miami Heat.

Even if you aren’t a basketball fan, you could not have avoided hearing about LeBron James in the last month. For those that are fans, you probably heard about the agreements with two hometown favorites: Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh. Their move to Miami Heat left two major voids, but also an open door for their pal LeBron James.
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Jeremy Lin – The first American Asian to play in the NBA is signed by the Warriors.

Jeremy Lin - The First American Asian To Play In The Nba Is Signed By The Warriors.

Jeremy Lin has become the newest Golden State Warrior, and in doing so has fulfilled his life-long dream.

On Wednesday afternoon, Jeremy completed the signing of a two-year contract with the Warriors. According to a variety of sources, he also received offers from the Lakers and from Dallas. Apparently, he even received a counter offer that was even greater than his Warrior’s deal. However, nothing could lure him away from a contract with the team he spent his childhood watching, which will also give him the opportunity to play in the town where his family live.
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The key skills a great basketball player needs to possess.

The Key Skills A Great Basketball Player Needs To Possess.

As the NBA season begins this year, as always, a new star is sure to rise through the ranks. The question often asked though, is how do they do it? What key skills do they possess to become a great basketball player? What is it they have that means that the basketball scoreboards are always showing their name!
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Which is the most hated NBA team – LA Lakers or Miami Heat?

Which Is The Most Hated Nba Team – La Lakers Or Miami Heat?

The Lakers long history of success stems back to the very beginning of the NBA, when the team was based in Minneapolis. Some of the greatest players in the history of the NBA have played for the Lakers. The list is impressive: Elgin Baylor, Earvin Johnson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jerry West, Kobe Bryant and Shaquille O’Neal, all of whom lit up the basketball scoreboards in Los Angeles.
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Hedo Turkoglu fails the raptors and moves on.

Hedo Turkoglu Fails The Raptors And Moves On.

Hedo Turkoglu’s shorter than expected and particularly unsuccessful stay in Toronto looks like it will be over very soon. A deal is currently being made that would send the unhappy forward to Phoenix, and in return Toronto would get the guard Leandro Barbosa and possibly the journeyman guard Dwayne Jones.
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The transfer of the decade – LeBron James moves to Miami Heat

The Transfer Of The Decade - Lebron James Moves To Miami Heat.

After months of suspense and guess work, LeBron James, probably the greatest US basketball star playing in the NBA today announced that he will play for the Miami Heat next season. Now one thing is for sure, and that is that the Miami scoreboard is going to bring a smile to its fans next season.
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Berkeley High School Basketball Team in Action

Berkley High School Basketball Team In Action

The first thing you notice when you visit Moncks Corner South Carolina is the beauty of the area. The center of the town is focused on the historic train depot. A legendary vision of the past, preserved for everyone to see today. The second thing you notice is the intensity of the people of the area for the Berkeley High School Basketball team. Don’t let this peaceful looking town fool you, the basketball scoreboards at the games tell the story. You might have to get to the game earlier than planned, because every seat in the place is taken.
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Basketball Game at The YMCA of Thomasville, Georgia

Basketball Game At The YMCA Of Thomasville, Georgia

Nestled in Georgia is one of the most beautiful places to live in the United States. Thomasville Georgia is a touch of the old and new, the gracious south and the progressive technology of today. Year after year, the media has voted Thomasville as one of the best places to live and retire. The community shares a common caring interest, devoting time to the arts, education and sports.
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Best Scoreboards in NBA

Best Scoreboards In NBA

When it comes to sports there are many extravagant and amazing scoreboards, but what are some of the best scoreboards in NBA stadiums? One that needs to be mentioned in this category is the Ford Center scoreboard in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This is considered one of the best and biggest where the NBA is concerned. This equipment cost the taxpayers of Oklahoma City almost four million dollars. At a size that measures thirty one feet by thirty five feet this choice has twelve video panels, ten of which are full motion, and is considered one of the best scoreboards in NBA history. Fans who visit the Ford Center are amazed at the sheer size of this scoreboard, and at the graphics and appeal that it offers. At more than twenty three tons it is definitely one of the biggest as well.
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Cheap basketball scoreboards: anticrisis solutions in sports

Cheap basketball scoreboards: anticrisis solutions in sports

When you choose cheap basketball scoreboards, you will often get exactly what you pay for. There is a big difference between cheap equipment and quality equipment at a discount price. With Electro-Mech you will never get cheap basketball scoreboards, only the best scoreboards, accessories, and components at low discount prices. Cheap equipment normally breaks often, is not working more often than it is, and may need frequent maintenance and repairs. When you choose price over quality, you may be making a decision you will regret. Cheap basketball scoreboards are not the answer to getting the scoring equipment that you want and need, instead you should choose a quality company with a reputation for low prices and great scoreboards.
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Basketball shot clocks: counting down fans emotions

Basketball shot clocks: counting down fans emotionsBasketball shot clocks are one scoring component that can have a big impact on your school, facility, and team. When these clocks start the fans usually go wild with excitement, and the final seconds are filled with tension and anticipation. You can add basketball shot clocks to any scoreboard configuration, for scoring equipment that is complete and brings the crowds to their feet. During a basketball game, the shot clock lets the teams and fans know how many seconds are left, and this impending deadline really brings out the emotions in the fans. When seconds count you may be amazed at how much enthusiasm the fans will show, and this show of support can really boost the performance of your team, and the revenue that you generate from the basketball games.
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Basketball Scoreboards and Basketball Scoring System

Basketball Scoring System

If you are interested in new basketball scoreboards then there are some things that you should consider before purchasing this equipment. A scoreboard designed just for the sport of basketball can include a number of different components, depending on your requirements and budget. Electro-Mech offers a variety of basketball scoring system options and components, making it easy for you to find or customize the perfect scoring system for your school and sports program. Your basketball program will benefit immensely, and you will draw in more spectators and fans at the same time. You can add or change components when you use Electro-Mech for all your sports scoreboard requirements.
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Digital Basketball Scoreboard: Bringing the Game into the 21st Century

Digital Basketball Scoreboard

The sports world has been changing throughout the history of our country yet the atmosphere remained the same. Some of the rules are different now, but the competition and love for sports and players is still there. Throughout the years sport teams and players have worked to create a better game for fans to watch. The advancements in technology have been used to help fuel our love for sports and competition. And new improvements of the twenty-first century like digital basketball scoreboards are loved by fans everywhere. The digital basketball scoreboard has impacted fans in new ways and has created a new relationship and attachment between fans and the game. Just like everything else in the world the relationship between sports fans and the sports world has evolved and changed. This is in part due to the fact that increases in technology have had huge impacts on the sports world throughout the years.
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