Baseball Steroid Testing

Baseball Steroid TestingBaseball over the past few years has captured many headlines that it did not want as steroid testing in baseball became a major issue. It’s hard to gauge whether the sport of baseball has any more steroid users than other sports but its lax approach to testing and the lateness of the rules banning their use has lead to a slow parade of current and ex-players being outed as users. Baseball steroid testing has evolved into a program with some backbone now and the proposed plan is even stricter.
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Biography of Babe Ruth

Biography Of Babe Ruth

Known by many names over a long career in the formative years of the major leagues, George Herman Ruth, as any biography of Babe Ruth will tell you, was and is larger than life. From his dominant stature to his dominant personality and his larger-than-life accomplishments on the field, the Babe Ruth life lives on more than 60 years after his death. The autobiography of Babe Ruth, written by Ruth himself, was probably one of the few that did not need to be written since his life was so well documented from his early entry into baseball.
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Chipper Jones’ Contract Extended to 2012

Chipper Jones Contract

Earlier this month the Atlanta Braves inked a Chipper Jones contract that will most likely ensure that he accomplishes the rarest of feats in modern sport: to only play for one team his entire career. Chipper Jones career is likely to end in Atlanta after signing a $42 million three-year contract that has performance options that could extend into a fourth season and a total of $61 million. Jones would be 41 at the end of the contract if it does extend. The oldest active players in Major League Baseball are both 45 years old and are both pitchers.
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Controversy Behind Sammy Sosa Cork Bat

Sammy Sosa Cork Bat

Controversy erupted during the first inning of an otherwise normal summer meeting between the Chicago Cubs and Tampa Bay Devil Rays when, during the first inning of the game, Sammy Sosa’s bat broke and umpires found cork inside. The Sammy Sosa bat was quickly picked up as evidence and Sosa was removed from the game. The question for fans everywhere was how prevalent were corked bats in the rest of Sammy Sosa’s life?
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Different Types of Pitches and What They’re Meant to Do

Different Types Of Pitches

Major League professional pitchers choose to throw different types of pitches like a chef chooses ingredients–they are meant to dazzle and surprise. Learning how to throw different types of pitches is important for aspiring pitches of all levels because having a variety of choices keeps the batter guessing and the pitcher ahead in the count. Though there are many types of pitches used in the majors these are the five most common and important to know:
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Eco Friendly Ways Adoptions Throughout MLB

Eco Friendly Ways

In order to respond to today’s energy and global warming crisis, Major Leagues Baseball has developed some innovative eco friendly solutions. In conjunction with the National Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the league came up with a number of eco friendly services and recommendations to help make the league as green as their splendid infields.
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Fantasy Baseball Game: Top Fantasy Picks

Fantasy Baseball Game

The top fantasy draft picks for Major League Baseball fans is now an annual right of passage. Choosing their top fantasy pick baseball fans assemble teams that perform for them each and every game bringing their assembled team to the top or bottom of their pool. Many positions will have an impact in the outcome but this year many will have more than the fantasy baseball pitcher, a rarity in fantasy picks. Here is a review of the top fantasy picks for 2009:
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History of American Baseball Hall of Fame

American Baseball Hall Of Fame

The 2008 Baseball Hall of Fame list was full of players with impressive careers but only one player made this year’s cut. Typically, 2-4 players will make it through the hall of fame list and into the famed Cooperstown but this year voters were very stingy allowing four non-players and only one former player to enter the coveted real estate.
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History of the World Series of Baseball

History Of The World Series Of Baseball

The baseball World Series Game has been part of the American experience for over 100 years. Each October the best team from the American League meets the best from the National League in what has come to be known simply as the Fall Classic. In the World Series baseballs best clash to play out what have become some of the most memorable baseball games filled with highlights and folklore.
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The Best 2008 Baseball Playoffs

2008 Baseball Playoffs

The 2008 baseball playoffs ended with the Philadelphia Phillies playing the Tampa Bay Rays in a best of seven series to crown a champion. The best 2008 baseball milestones occurred as teams fought for one of eight playoff positions. The 2008 baseball playoff brackets contained a first time contender, a team that had to play a one game playoff to win the American League Central, and excluded a team for the first time in 13 years. Some of the best baseball prospects 2008 accomplished a few of the best baseball moments of the year.
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You Can Hate Baseball Only If You Never Played It!

Hate Baseball
  • How can anyone hate baseball? Not only is it America’s Pastime, it’s an ideal way to spend a sunny summer afternoon.
  • Who knows what kind of mischief kids may find themselves in if they didn’t have fun baseball games to play?
  • Spending the day at the ballpark is just pure baseball game fun!
  • In case you believe that you really do hate baseball, we’re going to introduce you to some baseball fun facts as well as some variations of fun baseball games to play.

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The Best Fantasy Baseball Strategies

Fantasy Baseball Strategies

Everyone seems to have an opinion on the most effective fantasy baseball strategies. Will these strategies guarantee you’ll win your fantasy baseball pool? Just like the game of baseball itself there are no “magic” formulas for winning. The only thing you can do is try to increase your odds by employing an effective fantasy baseball draft strategy. For another quality fantasy baseball strategy, game statistics from the previous year should be reviewed. You can’t control injuries or player slumps but you can mitigate their influence by planning your fantasy baseball strategies before the draft.
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The Best Professional Baseball Leagues Ever!

Professional Baseball Leagues
  • There have been many attempts at establishing professional baseball leagues over the years
  • Two associations eventually established an agreement to form the professional major baseball leagues that are in existence today
  • There are a couple of professional baseball leagues that many people may not have heard of…the American Association Baseball League and the Frontier League Professional Baseball association
  • Read on to learn how these organizations came into being and their status today

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Who Invented the Baseball?

Who Invented The Baseball

The man who invented the baseball wasn’t really a man at the time of his creation he was a schoolchild who loved the game of “round-ball”. His place in the history of baseball in the United States is one of recognition only as he never made a dime on his invention. He is not to be confused with the man who invented the “game” baseball. In fact, the man who invented baseball may not be who you think it is. Let’s take a look at baseball history and see if we can unravel the mystery of America’s pastime.
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The Most Outrageous Professional Baseball Uniforms!

Professional Baseball Uniforms
  • There have been many attempts for originality when it came to professional baseball uniforms over the last 150 or so years
  • A baseball uniform builder from the early 19th century must have been incredulous when approached with some of these designs
  • Find out which baseball player uniform was made of satin and which team wore shorts for a time

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The History of Baseball Uniforms

History Of Baseball Uniforms
  • The baseball uniform is the most recognizable piece of baseball equipment history
  • Every baseball fan and every ball player shows loyalty to their team by proudly wearing the uniform
  • While we recognize our favorite teams baseball outfit in today’s game, what about the history of baseball uniforms?
  • How did they come into being and why are they so important in the history of baseball equipment?
  • So sit back and relax while we investigate the history of baseball uniforms

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History of Professional Baseball

History Of Professional Baseball
  • The early years in the history of professional baseball transformed the sport to the spectacle you watch today
  • The “dead ball era”, as it is known in the history of a baseball, forced teams to become proficient in fielding, bunting, and base running
  • The history of baseball uniforms extends back to the New York Knickerbockers before professional baseball had come into being
  • In the history of baseball teams, the winner of the first World Series has a special place in sports lore

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New Wave of Fielding Analysis Changing Ways Players Are Valued

Fielding Analysis

For the last seven years or so a new wave of baseball statistical analysis has overtaken the general managers in most Major League Baseball clubhouses. When Michael Lewis wrote “Moneyball” he reordered what the league considered valuable baseball players. The statistics that Lewis introduced to the mainstream turned the value of offensive players on its head. And through its two editions, “The Fielding Bible” has begun to do the same to defensive baseball players.
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The Best Baseball Festival Ever Seen!

Baseball Festival

  • The baseball festival is Major League Baseball’s traveling road show that brings the game to fans around the world
  • A major league salute to baseball festival is required for bringing a game we all may take for granted to the developing world
  • The events showcase baseball with a video pavilion, historic moments, interactive kiosks, and a festival baseball tournament
  • What may be the most important baseball festival 2008 is MLB inner city program to encourage our youth to take up the game

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Best Baseball Teams

Best Baseball Teams

This subject has caused many good-natured discussions between family and friends as well as some not so good-natured arguments. The question “what are the best baseball teams in history?” has plagued baseball fans for close to a century and a half. Different eras, fan loyalties, baseball lore, and long held beliefs combine to make this question very difficult to answer. How do the best baseball teams 2008 rank and are the players currently on the best high school baseball teams going to bring a new team to the forefront in the future? Here are what we consider to be the top 10 best baseball teams…we’ll leave it up to you to decide the #1 spot.
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