In a basketball scoreboards feature, we list the 4 most explosive players in the NBA, past and future.
The NBA is a game which demands energy, aggression and passion. Many of the players who have all that it takes to be a great NBA player are known as powerhouses. They are the most explosive players and this is an ability that not every player possesses. Smart players know how and when to use this ability in order to defeat their opponents. Here are some of the most explosive players the NBA has ever seen.
1. David Thompson
David Thompson is one of the greatest NBA players. The basketball scoreboards showed that he played for the Denver Nuggets and Seattle Supersonics during his long career. He was one of the finest guards to play in the NBA and took the game to a level nobody could have ever imagined at the time. He was an explosive player and a great threat to the opponents. He was nicknamed Skywalker and had amazing speed which helped him to score countless baskets. His intense speed made it hard for anyone to defend against him when he attacked.
2. Michael Jordan
Michael Jordan is undoubtedly the best player of all time. Due to his explosive abilities he was known as Air Jordan. He was a perfect athlete with outstanding speed. He was the best guard of his time and scored more baskets from that position than anyone else. He scored nearly 50 percent from field and with the skills he possessed there wasn’t a single player in the league who could stop him.
3. Kobe Bryant
Many people will be surprised to see Kobe Bryant on this list but you cannot deny the fact that he is an outstanding player, if not the best ever. Obviously you cannot rank him (as yet at least) with Jordan and Thompson but he surely the best of his era. He is not as explosive as he used to be when he was younger but now, at the age of 32 he is still more powerful than many other players. During his prime he was athletic and so fast that he could easily explode past the men on the court. He was a very good finisher and had immense explosive abilities.
4. LeBron James
The closest player to Kobe in the modern era, LeBron James is one of the greatest players the game has ever produced. He is an explosive forward and has a rare combination of skills which have enabled him to become what he is today. He uses his explosiveness to finish with powerful dunks and he will definitely end his career on a very high note.
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