In a basketball scoreboards feature, we take a look at the most talked about shot in basketball: the slam dunk.
Firstly, you are going to need the right footwear. This is vital if you are going to get the elevation you need to get to he ring. A good pair of sneakers can automatically add a couple of inches to your vertical jump. These shoes don’t come cheap, but don’t all for the marketing either. Do your research as the best known brands are not necessarily the best. Don’t skip this step because quality shoes also give added protection to your ankles, which bear the brunt of the stress in jumping.
Basketball scoreboards advises that you train, train and train some more! Use a skipping rope for effective and intensive training for your leg muscles. Over time skipping will build up your leg strength, and add to your jump. This is called a plyometric exercise, which in essence means jumping, then relaxing briefly before exploding into a jump again. Be careful with such exercises as it can be easy to over do them and strain your muscles. Research into other training techniques, as they are numerous and all beneficial in their own way. Above all, whatever techniques you use, be persistent with your training program. Nothing will be achieved overnight. Improving your vertical jump takes dedicating training, hard work and time. The results, however, can be astonishing, as suddenly you can go on court and slam dunk that ball!
Equipment wise, it is good to get hold of an adjustable height basket to practice at lower heights first before moving it gradually up to the regulation height. As you get better at the dunking technique, this will compliment your training on your vertical jump. Practice on the court: become an expert at controlling the ball as you rise, and handling it when you are under pressure from other players.
Learn about the special skills the professionals develop. Visualize dunking the ball. Developed mental concentration and focus is one thing that separates successful athletes from middle of the road athletes.
Confidence is the key: you need to get past any stereotypes about race or any self-depreciating inner chatter about your supposed lack of athletic ability. The truth is that race does not play any role whatsoever: many of the best jumpers in the world are Asian or white. Your supposed athletic ability should not hinder you as many children are given the false belief at an early age that they are not athletically capable when in actual fact no one ever gave them the confidence to reach their full potential. Know that you will be able to do it, and you are already half way there.
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