6 NBA players who are not going to do a `Le-Bron`

6 Nba Players Who Are Not Going To Do A `le-bron`

With the LeBron transfer saga still fresh in our minds, sometimes it seems like there are no players left anymore who elect to call one team their home, and who stay there for the best part of their career. There are however a number of young stars (27 and under) who will probably have the chance to pick up and move away in the future, but who I think will ultimately call one team their home. Here are 6 players who have lit up the for their home team, and who are likely to keep doing so for a long time.

Rajon Rondo is the Celtics most successful player from a production standpoint, and if he stays with them for the next few years, he will be the team leader in the post-Pierce era. Rondo has huge support in Boston. He is an introvert and somewhat reserved, and so it is unlikely that he would be as famous if he was playing for any other team.

Brandon Roy plays in Portland, which is close to his hometown Seattle, whilst being far away enough that he would feel the need to spread his wings and move further away. Brandon Roy is a nice guy with a nice personality, who is adored by his fans, and his team has the cash to continually bring in good players to play alongside him.

Derrick Rose is from Chicago, where he grew up with a dream to play for the Bulls. His dream came true, and now he is the Bull’s starting point guard. He is the centerpiece of his team, and after seeing how the Cleveland fans treated LeBron when he left, Rose isn’t going anywhere.

Rodney Stuckey’s spot on the roster is assured as long as Dumars is leading the Pitsons. He has yet to live up to the high expectations fans have of this great talent, but the Pistons will believe that his potential will be met. In addition, with his reported headaches and dizziness on the court, it is unlikely that any other teams will be actively pursuing him.

Dwight Howard has been given the red carpet treatment at Orlando, despite the fact that the team does not have a great track record of keeping their biggest players happy. So long as he continues to make good money and is surrounded by other great players around him, there is little reason for him to leave. Dwight should be the leader of a contending team for many years to come.

Kevin Durant was always expected to do a LeBron and leave Oklahoma City as soon as he could. However,
Durant is really happy in his new home, his name is always on the , and earlier this summer he signed a 5 year extension to his contract. Durant is publicity shy and enjoys his relative privacy in Oklahoma. He is very loyal to his teammates and friends, and his management group is busy creating a team that can play around him, and which will be a contender for many years to come.

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