Baseball stadium scoreboards have come a long way since their inception. The beginning baseball scoreboards were quite rudimentary in their form and function. The scores had to be manually changed, often with the scorekeeper climbing a ladder inning after inning putting the score up or someone was inside the scoreboard and would do the same from within. Baseball field scoreboards were square or rectangular for the purpose of simplicity and efficiency, as no other shape could display information as well as the square or rectangle.
Since then, scoreboards have taken leaps and bounds in their ability to display information in a quick and efficient manner. People no longer have to bust out their ladders each inning and manually change the score. Today it is all done electronically. Also, scoreboards are now customizable, with room for sponsors and advertising. With modern advancements in light technology, timers, microprocessors and wireless modems, scoreboards serve their purpose in a seamless fashion. Baseball stadium scoreboards have advanced even further, the most modern now utilize light-emitting diodes (LEDs). LED lights are brighter, more energy efficient, produce less heat and come in a variety of colors. With the advent of electronic display boards, entire new possibilities for the scoreboard abound. Electro-Mech is among the top producers of baseball scoreboard manufacturers.
Imagine going to a baseball game. You pay money for admission, go to your seat and there is no baseball field scoreboard on the field. How would you react? Most likely you would react negatively because people tend to expect a baseball field scoreboard at a baseball game. Therefore, baseball stadium scoreboards are tremendously important to the administration and dissemination of a baseball game. If you buy baseball scoreboard, you are contributing to the experience of everyone involved in the baseball game. Fans in attendance would cheer more, be more involved…fans would know who the next batter is, for example. Fans would be much more likely to give their repeat business to a baseball team if a baseball stadium scoreboard were present at the sporting event.
Baseball scoreboard manufacturers know that the main purpose of a baseball stadium scoreboard is to display information to the people watching the game. Oftentimes, people watching from the stands are sitting so high up that they can’t see if a play was an error or a hit. That’s the overall purpose of the scoreboard, to keep the fans in the game and involved as much as possible. Baseball scoreboard manufacturers know that organizations buy baseball scoreboards to serve this purpose. A leading baseball scoreboard manufacturer, Electro-Mech, has been producing baseball stadium scoreboards for more than 50 years, and many high schools and colleges choose to buy baseball scoreboards from them.
Scoreboards are as integral to a baseball game as peanut butter is to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. The two just go together. Scoreboards are important because they keep fans at the stadium informed of the score. Even more importantly, they keep fans involved in the game, encouraging them to see more baseball games, earning the team more revenue.