The softball field of Amherst Regional High School in Massachusetts will have a new electronic scoreboard this coming spring. The scoreboard would have made their coach, Victor Keedy, proud and has been purchased in his memory.
Keedy was devoted to the game and was the baseball and softball team coach at the school. His passing in May, 2010 had a devastating affect on the school, teams and the community. Since his passing, the Hurricane Boosters Club has spent the last two years working with the community, committees and town employees in an effort to get a new electronic scoreboard. The planned memorial tournament in Keedy’s honor turned out to be more than a small success and plans are being made to continue the tournament every year. Additional youth sports benefits are in the works to assist in establishing scholarships for the kids. The booster club has long been a supporter of everything sports for the kids and was a major force behind the success.
Ashley Keedy, Keedy’s daughter, was the initial person to recommend a tournament in her father’s honor. The outpouring of love and support has gone beyond the original concept to a creation that is a true memorial to her father. The field is particularly endeared by Ashley as she was on the varsity team of the high school for four years.
The scoreboard itself will be a wireless remote, 16 foot by 5 foot model, which will give the team manager the ability to accomplish ad-hoc updates. The solar-power function will be an excellent cost savings, and the balance of the modest costs will be taken care of by the town and school. The school colors will be proudly displayed and should be the pride of the field. It replaces the old manually flipped scoreboard that had to be hand carried to the field for every game.
The field itself sees most of its activity in the spring to fall time period, but it’s not just used by the high school. The Leisure Service and Supplemental Education (LSSE) teams use the field as well. This is very important for the 14 years and under as well as the 12 years and under travel teams and the girls in grades five and six.
The planned location for the scoreboard is near the first baseline and there will be a memorial plaque for Victor Keedy placed at the scoreboard.
A newer scoreboard will create a true participating experience for teams and fans alike. It is a display of support for the varsity, JV and all of the youth leagues that play on the field. This is the kind of enhancement that will carry forth for years to come. Every time the fans turn to the new electronic scoreboard it will be in honor of a man that devoted his life to the kids and the sport. Victor Keedy would have been very proud of the kids, the scoreboard and the school. Can anyone ask for a better tribute?