There are definite differences between sports scoreboard advertising in outdoor versus indoor venues. When you are planning your advertising project, you will need to take the variances into consideration for the best presentation and results. The purpose of your sports scoreboard advertising is to attract and keep the attention of the viewers and have them remember the sponsors that are supporting the team or school.
Indoor sports scoreboards typically have a controlled environment that you can use to your advantage. Adjustments can be made for low or high lighting with resolution changes in color. The LED’s on the sports scoreboard have such an excellence in technology that they can often overcome the challenges. Check and confirm your audio acoustics to ensure that any announcement doesn’t echo or reverberate as well as the decibel level. You should always test your scoreboard advertising prior to the game(s) and remember that a live performance will have a higher external noise factor. Indoor advertisement will allow you to do more extensive ad campaigns, as you won’t have as much external interference as outdoor venues. This is the environment where those higher resolution videos can come into play.
Outdoor sports scoreboards bring a few more challenges to consider: weather conditions, temperature and lighting all come into play for the right kind of electronic scoreboard advertising. While you won’t have any control over Mother Nature, you can create and modulate the ads to accommodate low lighting or high winds. Again, you should try to do test-runs of all of the scoreboard ads and ensure that audio is easily heard and understood. Take advantage of the LED and sound abilities through alterations that give you more control over the final production. Outdoor audio content is usually more condensed and to the point, with shorter time periods. Static advertising, with clean, concise sponsor messages, complemented with great audio, works well in the outdoor arena.
If you have audio challenges that simply cannot be overcome, develop a visual strategy of excellence that the crowd simply can’t take their eyes away from. Silent films were famous for blending humor and a message, without a single sound, and the same concept can be adapted for scoreboard advertising. Throughout history, there have been a variety of static advertising campaigns that were developed in a ‘continued method’ principle. These campaigns not only caught people’s attention, but created a situation where they looked forward to the next.
One of the more popular methods of catching the crowd’s attention has been to insert live feeds in between the scoreboard advertising. This is accomplished with single or multi-camera usage. Be sure to test any plans you may have for live-feed scoreboard displays to ensure that the lighting and/or audio offer the best resolution. This format is popular in both indoor and outdoor games; weather conditions can have a negative effect on outdoor game views. Both arenas can be affected by poor or high lighting.
Creating a top notch sports scoreboard ad that the fans will remember and the sponsors will love equates to taking all of the variables into consideration and your ability to change and adjust, as needed.