Hockey Scoreboards
We offer a complete line of LED Hockey scoreboards, from the straightforward Model LX8350 showing Time, Period, and Points, to our top-end Model LX8850, [Continue reading...] |

Indoor Hockey Scoreboards
A range of Hockey displays, from basic to full-featured
Model LX8350 9 ft x 3 ft
Our most popular Hockey scoreboard covers the basic features of most indoor sports.
Model LX8440 16 ft x 3 ft
The unique layout of this scoreboard makes it ideal when vertical space is limited.
Model LX8650 9 ft x 5 ft
This design has set the standard for our indoor Hockey line for years.
Model LX8750 9 ft x 5 ft
Keep up with Shots on Goal for both teams
Model LX8850 12 ft x 5 ft
The most complete indoor Hockey scoreboard available
Indoor Hockey Locker Room Clocks
Use these small displays as a remote reference to the Time that is showing on your main scoreboard.
Model LX7406 23 in x 10 in
Whether you are counting down time between halves or leading up to the start of the game, this small display will duplicate the time shown on the main scoreboard.
Outdoor Hockey and Lacrosse Scoreboards
A selection of weather-resistant displays for Hockey and Lacrosse
Model LX7740 16 ft x 8 ft
All Lacrosse and Field Hockey features are present and accounted for in this major league scoreboard.
Model LX7770 26 ft x 10 ft
Lacrosse and Field Hockey now have a scoreboard that make the other sports jealous.
Model LX7860 9 ft x 5 ft
It's hard to believe that we packed so much information into such a compact cabinet.
16 ft x 5 ft
For serious Soccer and Lacrosse facilities, this scoreboard series has proven to be one of our most popular.
Basic Outdoor Multi-Sport Scoreboards
These outdoor scoreboard models keep it simple, which makes them versatile. If you play Field Hockey or Lacrosse, and then turn the facility over to another sport at the end of the season, our multi-sport displays will keep on working for you.
Model LX6360 16 ft x 5 ft
The information is basic, but the big 24-inch digits get the important points across.
Model LX6370 18 ft x 9 ft
With a 30-inch tall Period Clock, you never have to ask the musical question, "Does anybody really know what time it is?"
Model LX6630 10 ft x 3 ft
Like its bigger brothers, this little scoreboard can serve a variety of sports.
10 ft x 5 ft
This compact Multi-Sport model covers the basic features of most outdoor sports.
Model LX1390 14 ft x 5 ft
When Baseball season is over, this Multi-Sport scoreboard keeps working.
Portable Outdoor Multi-Sport Scoreboards
Weather-resistant displays compact enough to be mounted on wheels, featuring support for a variety of sports
Model LX6320 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
Score from your tailgate or add our T-Cart Leg Kit.
Model LX6324 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
With a quick caption change, this portable scoreboard can handle Football, Baseball, Soccer, and more.
Model LX1320 5 ft x 4 ft
You need a portable scoreboard that can handle Baseball and Basketball? Here it is.
Outdoor Practice Segment Timers for Hockey or Football
If you have access to an outdoor practice field, these displays will help you keep those practices on schedule.
Model LX7520 4 ft x 3 ft
Take control of practice, and roll this display away for secure storage when you are done.
Model LX7620 5 ft x 3-1/2 ft
A comprehensive practice time scoreboard that includes a Play Clock feature -- all in a portable package.
Model LX7640 7 ft x 5 ft
Designed for permanent installation on your practice field.