Electronic Team Names
Electro-Mech now offers Electronic Team Names on the majority of our new LX-series scoreboard models. Electronic Team Names (ETNs) allow you to customize your scoreboard with the names of the competing teams displayed above or beside their respective scoring data. Instead of GUEST vs. HOME, your ETN-equipped scoreboard can show the name of the schools, towns, team mascots, or any other text. Use a combination of upper case and lower case, numbers, and special characters to identify your home team and their opponents. You may also select from three font styles, justification, and reversed colors. All this is controlled through the same console used to operate your scoreboard and without the need for additional cabling or wireless systems.
ETN Font Styles
Electro-Mech ETNs offer three different font styles: Regular, Compressed, and Bold. In addition, you may reverse the colors to select black letters set against the red or amber LEDs for a unique effect. You may center your text or align it along the left or right side of the display area. You may assign each team name its own combination of font style, color pattern, and justification.

ETN Matrix Sizes
For Outdoor scoreboards, we offer Electronic Team Names in two character heights:
- 7-inch tall characters, formed with 9-pixel tall fonts (available in amber or red)
- 11-inch tall characters, formed with 14-pixel tall fonts (available in amber or red)
For Indoor scoreboards, we offer Electronic Team Names in two character heights:
- 5-inch tall characters, formed with 9-pixel tall fonts (available in amber only)
- 8-inch tall characters, formed with 14-pixel tall fonts (available in amber only)
The widths of our ETN displays vary according to the size of the scoreboard, with specific ETN sizes assigned to specific scoreboard models. You can visit the individual scoreboard model pages on this web site to see if a particular scoreboard is offered with ETNs and find more details.